We specialise in all types of shoe and boot repairs - both mens and ladies. We can carry out almost any job you can think of from the smallest piece of stitching right up to a full long sole and re-welt. Any job - any time!
What We Can Do
- Heels Refitted or new
- Zip replacement or repair
- Re-welting of good year welted shoes
- Replacement shanks
- Inner socks
- Leather upper repairs
- Bag repairs
- Dr Martens, Commando and Golfer Units
- Boot alterations
Please note this service can take 3-5 days. If this is your first order use any bag, and please write your name and contact details inside the bag. We will return your shoes in your own VIP bag which you can then use for future orders.
Queen Street
4.25 / 465 ratings
Queen Street Shoe Repairs & Shine
2 / 1 rating
Price: By quote